Re: Imperial vs Gazette
Metal Intertype or Linotype did not have to follow a unit system (apart from Teletype). If this is taken over from an older incarnation, it has to stem from photo-type times. [Ah, you changed your qu…3 -
Re: Equality Challenge, dyslexia and sans serif
The “thread to embargo” all serif typefaces in public documents and other applications by an advocacy group was what kicked-off the reworking of DIN 1450 in Germany where I was in the committee for s…2 -
Re: Monotype Introduces New Font Subscription Services
Not to speak of people who indeed require one version or the other because of old documents, corporate design specifications, or just preference of company or variation, a lot of Bitstream’s digitiza…2 -
Online shops and language
Random reminder how English EULAs etc. feel for a large part of the world : ) https://www.stormtype.com/business/conditions6 -
Re: Monotype Introduces New Font Subscription Services
Or something like http://www.c3action.org/3